Deadlines for June and July

Here is a list of important events, programs, conference and workshop deadlines for June and July. Unquestionably, we won’t let you miss any deadline.

World Ophthalmology Congress:

World Ophthalmology Congress 2023 is an international conference which encourages effective knowledge transfer and best practices among experts from around all the world. Besides, international community organises WOC 2023

The World Ophthalmology Congress aims to strengthen the participants’ action and impact on national, regional and international scales through a multidisciplinary programme that features the integration of new technologies in the field of Ophthalmology. Also, the organisers scheduled WOC in the most populous city, New York on October 09-11, 2023. New York, being one of the centres for research, education, and science in the USA, we will try to bring the maximum number of Directors, Optometrists, Ophthalmic surgeons, Retina and Retinal Surgery, Clinical researchers & Scientists, Public Health Professionals, Glaucoma, Medical Practitioners, Professors, Deans, Students & Technicians, Medical & Health care Organizations & Associations, Researchers & Scholars to provide a better understanding of the field.

Venue: New York in October 2023.

Abstract submission deadline: 10 June 2023


Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships

This Fellowship is designed for Indian scholars who are registered for a PhD at an Indian institution for six to nine months. Also, U.S. host institution affiliates with the applicant. Additionally, USIEF strongly recommends all applicants identify institutions with which they wish to affiliate and to correspond, in advance, with potential host institutions. If the applicant has secured a letter of invitation from a U.S. institution, s/he must include it as a part of the online application.

Website: Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships

Application window: 8 Feb to 17 July 2023

CfAO summer school on adaptive optics:

Held on the beautiful University of California, Santa Cruz campus, this workshop provides professional instruction in the field of Adaptive Optics by speakers renowned for their contributions to this interdisciplinary field.  Infact, the summer school is appropriate for scientists, engineers, researchers, and technicians at the graduate level and above; this workshop combines lectures and hands-on, facilitated laboratory activities with working adaptive optics systems. Lastly, the venue is University of California, Santacruz.

Program dates: 14-18 August 2023

Deadline:31 July 2023

Website: CfAO summer school

IVI 4th International Optometry Conference

Program dates: 21-23 Sep 2023

Venue: IIT Madras, Research Park, Chennai

Website: International Optometry Conference

Deadline: Not yet announced

British Congress of Optometry and Vision Sciences 2023:

This conference will provide a forum for eye and vision researchers from across many disciplines and professions to meet and discuss their work, whilst promoting inclusion and accessibility as best as we can. Lastly, to note the abstract deadline is supposed to be in June and July. The dates are to be announced soon.

Program: Supposed to be in September

For deadlines of may, click on this link.